About Us
We are Sally (the fluffy Samoyed dog) and Claire (the human who can more-or-less use a computer keyboard to document our lives). We come from Scotland, we’re currently based in Edinburgh, and in a small village at the start of the Highlands (in the part most people drive through on their way North in search of taller mountains and more rugged adventures). If you like photos of Scottish scenery, plant life and wildlife, and a fluffy dog out exploring then you have come to the right place!
I’ll be writing the type of articles I wish were available to me when I was a new puppy owner. I’ve survived through the puppy hell and the terrible teens and now have a (reasonably) well trained dog (most of the time). My background is in biological sciences in marine immunology and genetics, so I base my force-free dog training and nutrition ideas on the best available science. I was retraining as a professional photographer until COVID-19 put paid to that plan. You might have seen us around the Internet on Sally’s Instagram @scotlandwithfluffywolf. Sally is raw fed by Bella and Duke and donates blood to Pet Blood Bank UK and I occasionally write articles for web and print media.
We’d love to hear from you. Any questions, ideas for articles etc then please drop us a line. We can be reached at scotlandwithfluffywolf@gmail.com

Work with Us
If you need a fluffy wolf to promote your business, products or awareness campaign then please get in touch. We’ve worked with local businesses, international hotel chains, and Scottish and UK national charities and environmental organisations. Let’s chat, and if our ethics and expectations match, then maybe we can work together. You can contact us at scotlandwithfluffywolf@gmail.com.